battle of pozières casualties

Since this road… The Battle of Pozières The Australians had made up to 19 attacks against the German positions at a terrible cost of 23,000 casualties that included 6,900 killed in action or dying of their wounds. The most successful phase of the Battle of Pozières Ridge was its first. But this success came at a huge cost. Out of these, 6,800 men were killed or died of extreme wounds, The 48th Division suffered 2,844 casualties from July 16th to 28th and 2,505 more from August 13th. Troops of the Australian 1st, 2nd and 4th Divisions had made 19 attacks in 42 days but had sustained a total of 23,000 casualties, including 6,800 dead. The grave is that of Captain I S Margetts, 12th Battalion. Zeppelin raid on East Coast; no casualties. Australian 6th Brigade marching Somme The Crowded Mile – Pozières and Mouquet Farm. Battle of Pozières Less than seven weeks into the battle there were 23,000 casualties among three Australian divisions. The village of Pozieres as it was some months after the battle. The Australian 1 st Division suffered 5,285 casualties — an inordinate number given a division normally consists of around 10,000 men. Contributed by Michael Hall. Battle Outcomes: No Territory gained or lost; 5,500 Australians and 2,000 British troops killed or wounded. On 1 July 1916 the British and French launched a massive assault to begin the Battle of the Somme. Pozieres was in some ways a success for the Australians who had advanced so far and taken German prisoners. I Anzac Corps had lost in this battle 23,000 officers and men, with the 1 st Australian Division 7,654, the 2 nd Australian Division 8,114 and the 4 th Australian Division 7,058. Russians recapture Mush; they defeat the Turks at Rayat, near the Turco-Persian frontier, and take 2,300 prisoners.British gain another 200 yards of German trench south of Thiepval. Pozieres 11,500 casualties per kilometer. In the process, the Australians suffered some 23,000 casualties. The last Australian attack on Pozieres was on 3 September, 1916. Five Victoria Crosses were awarded during the Battle of Pozieres. The intense fighting to capture Pozieres and Mouquet Farm took a terrible toll on the three Australian Divisions during the near seven weeks they were in battle. The Battle of Pozieres Ridge took pla ce in the town of Pozieres, which is on top of a ridge that is right in the middle of the Somme Battlefield. The proportion of casualties to the numbers engaged in the fighting at Pozieres was the greatest suffered by I Anzac Corps. Though British divisions were involved in most phases of the fighting, Pozières is primarily remembered as an Australian battle. The view is from the southern side of the main road looking southwards, east of the Copse. The Battle of Pozières was a two-week struggle for the French village of Pozières and the ridge on which it stands, during the middle stages of the 1916 Battle of the Somme. Despite a huge number of casualties the British only achieved a narrow breach in the German line on a low ridge that ran between the village of Thiepval and the Somme River. This page should be considered in conjunction with Somme 1916, which gives an overview. The town of Pozieres was located on the Albert-Bapaume road. This Battle is part of a bigger battle called the Somme Offensive.

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