digital entry registration germany covid

If you use the services of this provider, it is possible that usage data will be collected and, if necessary, stored in server logs.The BMG has no influence on the type and scope of the transmitted or stored data. COVID-19 Guidance & FAQs. From March 30, 2021 to May 12, 2021 a negative COVID-19 test is required to enter or transit through Germany. Those entering Germany from risk areas must complete a digital entry registration form, be tested for coronavirus and, depending on the regulations of the Land in question, self-isolate. In the rare case that you (e.g. It states that carriers may not transport persons who have not presented confirmation of the Digital Registration on Entry nor fall under any of the exemptions listed above. This application can be reached via the website. No exceptions apply when returning from stays in a region designated as involving a particularly high risk due to the wide-spread occurrence of distinct SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus variants (areas of variants of concern). In addition, please use the application to select an exemption provision. Customers who have visited a virus variant area, high-incidence area or risk area are required to complete a Digital Entry Declaration ("DEA") . Only evidence of a digital entry registration generated by this website will be accepted during checks. On March 22, the entry rules into Germany were tightened again. an infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Ordinance on protection against infection risks related to entry to Germany with regard to novel mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus subsequent to the determination of an epidemic situation of national significance by the German Bundestag (Coronavirus-Schutzverordnung – CoronaSchV). The classification as a risk area, high-incidence area or area of variants of concern only comes into effect the day following publication of this classification on the website indicated above. Regulations for persons entering Germany in connection with coronavirus SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and the digital registration on entry for persons entering from risk areas in several languages. In this case, the address of the workplace, of the place of training or of a different location that would be of relevance in that specific situation, should be indicated. The Norway Entry Registration is a mandatory health declaration document and thus, a sanitary measure to help detect and track the new cases of coronavirus. If you use the services of this provider, it is possible that usage data will be collected and, if necessary, stored in server logs. All soldiers on assignment to Germany will continue movement IAW all other assignment instructions. Germany has updated its travel rules to try and stem the spread of Covid-19 variants in the country. Please use the hotline of the Digital Registration on Entry at +49 30 2598 4363 (German and English) for any technical issues and disruptions. Failure to comply with any of these requirements will result in denied entry into country and immediate return to point of departure. This also involves checking whether individuals, who claim certain exemptions from the quarantine obligation, do in fact qualify for these exemptions. The reason for such a distinction is that the particularly high risk of infection from those areas can be addressed with tighter entry regulations. The provisions contained within the former Testing Obligation Ordinance (Testpflicht-Verordnung) of 4 November 2020 (Federal Gazette, Official Section, 6/11/2020, V1), the Orders Concerning Travel (Anordnungen betreffend den Reiseverkehr) of 5 November 2020 (Federal Gazette, Official Section, 6/11/2020, B5) as well as the Ordinance. Please use only the website for your digital entry registration. If the person travelling did not spend time in a risk area during the 10 days prior, then their registration process is aborted and no confirmation is generated. The hotline is available Mondays to Sundays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (CET/CEST). To that end, any exemptions are limited to very narrowly defined situations. Currently, a lockdown is in effect in Austria, making tourism impossible. Many elderly people, who are supposed to be first in line, have experienced difficulties getting appointments. At the bottom of the page you will find a summary of regions that had at one point in the previous 10 days been classified as a risk area, but is currently NOT classified as such. The app is free of charge. This form was also created to monitor the 10 day self-isolation period passengers will need to comply with once they arrive in the country. for want of the necessary technical equipment or due to a technical malfunction on the website) are unable to complete a Digital Registration on Entry, you will be required to fill out a substitute registration. The Robert Koch Institute maintains a continually updated list of risk areas at the following address: Effective immediately, persons entering the Federal Republic of Germany, who spent time in a risk area within the 10 days prior to entry, are required to complete a digital registration on entry. This follows from the Ordinance on Coronavirus Entry Regulations (Federal Gazette, Official Section, 13.1.2021). As of 00:00 on Tuesday, 30 March, all passengers on flights to Germany over the age of six must present a negative Covid-19 test no older than 48 hours at the time of departure.This also applies to travellers from non-risk areas. Germany Entry Requirements Germany has a digital registration requirement for most passengers. Here your personal details are checked for plausibility, and if the information provided is obviously incorrect, the carrier will not be allowed to take you. Those entering the country are personally responsible for obtaining (downloading or printing out) a substitute registration. Please note: In case the information provided is obviously incorrect, then the entry registration has not been duly completed. If you do not fall under any of the exemptions listed above, then you may not be transported without a completed entry registration. They demand a fee for these services. After filling in all of the necessary information on the homepage, you will receive a PDF file as confirmation. If you are entering the Federal Republic of Germany by air, sea, rail or bus, the prerequisite is that you have presented the carrier with confirmation of a completed Digital Registration on Entry (or in exceptional cases: a filled out substitute registration). Fact sheet and information on digital registration on entry. The Robert Koch Institute maintains a continually updated list of risk areas, high-incidence areas and areas of variants of concern at the following address: To register, persons entering the country should visit and enter the information concerning the places they visited over the previous 10 days. Go to Twitter. Rules for incoming passengers to Germany in connection with Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 415 KB), SUBSTITUTE REGISTRATIONPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 223 KB), Regelungen für nach Deutschland Einreisende im Zusammenhang mit Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 657 KB), ERSATZMITTEILUNGPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 252 KB), Rregulla në lidhje me koronavirusin SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 për personat që hyjnë në GjermaniPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 425 KB), DEKLARATË ZËVENDËSUESEPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 312 KB), اللوائح الخاصة بالأشخاص الذين يدخلون ألمانيا فيما يتعلق بفيروس كورونا SARS-CoV-2PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 547 KB), إفادة بديلةPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 351 KB), Правила във връзка с коронавирус SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 за влизащи в Германия пътнициPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 409 KB), ЗАМЕСТВАЩО ИЗВЕСТИЕPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 236 KB), 与新冠病毒 SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 相关的德国入境规定PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 560 KB), 替代告知表PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 356 KB), Pravila za putnike pri ulasku u Njemačkuvezane uz koronavirus SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 433 KB), PRIOPĆENJE KAO NADOMJESTAKPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 290 KB), Pravidla pro cestující přijíždějící do Německa v souvislosti s Koronavirem SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 428 KB), Règlements en vigueur, dans le contexte du coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19, pour des personnes entrant l’AllemagnePDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 426 KB), CERTIFICAT DE REMPLACEMENTPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 230 KB), A Németországba beutazók számára érvényes szabályok a koronavírus SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 kapcsánPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 429 KB), PÓTNYILATKOZATPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 177 KB), Norme per i viaggiatori che si recano in Germania, con riguardo al Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 418 KB), DICHIARAZIONE SOSTITUTIVAPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 224 KB), Atvykimo į Vokietiją tvarka dėl koronaviruso SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 426 KB), PAKAITINĖS REGISTRACIJOS FORMAPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 315 KB), Zasady związane z koronawirusem SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 dla osób wjeżdżających do NiemiecPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 428 KB), DEKLARACJA ZASTĘPCZAPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 357 KB), Regulamentos para a entrada em território alemão no contexto do coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 418 KB), DECLARAÇÃO ALTERNATIVAPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 172 KB), Reglementări pentru persoane care intră pe teritoriul german legat de Coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 429 KB), FORMULARPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 316 KB), Правила для лиц, въезжающихнатерриторию ФРГ, введенные в связи скоронавирусом SARS-CoV-2 /COVID-19PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 567 KB), АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНОЕ ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 280 KB), Правила за путнике при уласку у Немачку у вези са вирусом корона САРС-KоВ-2/KОВИД-19PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 430 KB), ПРИЈАВА КАО НАДОМЕСТАКPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 312 KB), Regulaciones de entrada a Alemania Viajeros que entran en relacióncon el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19PDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 421 KB), NOTIFICACIÓN SUSTITUTORIAPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 244 KB), Almanya’ya giriş y a p a n   y o l c u l a r ay ö n e l i k KoronavirüsSARS-CoV-2/COVID-19düzenlemeleriPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 434 KB), YEDEK BİLDİRİM FORMUPDF-Datei (nicht barrierefrei, 314 KB). Areas of variants of concern are areas with widespread occurrence of a virus variant (mutation) of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that is not widespread within the country and that can reasonably be believed to pose a particular risk. After filling in all of the necessary information, the traveller will receive a PDF file as confirmation. Such particular risks, for instance, can result, among other things, from presumed or proven higher transmissibility or other properties that accelerate infection transmission, cause more severe symptoms or which might weaken the effect of the immunity conferred by vaccination or a recovery from infection. Proof of a negative Corona test result: Either not older than 48 hours at the time of entry into Germany or testing for infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus immediately after entry into the Federal Republic of Germany. Exemptions for high-incidence areas are more strict, since these pose an even higher risk of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus relative to the risk areas. Using the data transferred as part of the Digital Registration on Entry, public health authorities are in a position to demand such proof from those entering the country. With adherence to appropriate safety and hygiene practices, persons transporting people, goods or merchandise by road, rail, ship or plane across borders for the purpose of business. Digitalising entry registration from risk areas, until now performed using passenger locator cards, lessens the burden on the public health authorities. 2. Use this service to report your result to the NHS after using a rapid lateral flow test kit to check if you’re infectious with coronavirus (COVID-19). The data transfer is encrypted and the data is automatically deleted 14 days after entry. Persons solely travelling through a risk area without stopping over, Persons who are only in transit through and leaving, Persons who, adhering to appropriate safety and hygiene practices, travel to. ... All travellers from the UK must comply with the pre-departure digital registration requirement. COVID-19: Info on Entry requirements COVID-19 test Quarantine. YES. Go to the Facebook page. The Federal Ministry of Health, in agreement with the Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, specifies in which countries there is currently a particularly high risk of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Those entering Germany from risk areas, high incidence areas or virus variant areas must complete a digital entry registration form, be tested for coronavirus and, depending on the regulations of the Land in question, self-isolate. Go to YouTube. A digital registration is still mandatroy. An area outside of the Federal Republic of Germany is deemed particularly high risk if it has a particularly high incidence of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus spread (high-incidence area) or because certain variants of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus have occurred widely in this risk area (area of variant of concern). Should these include a risk area, then the traveller is asked to provide their personal details and their planned locations during the ten days following their entry, while in mandatory quarantine or to be contacted by the competent authority. Digital entry registration All travellers to Germany have to register online prior to their entry on, if they have stayed in a risk area within the last ten days prior to their entry to Germany. on protection against infection risks related to entry to Germany with regard to novel mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (Coronavirus Protection Ordinance – Coronavirus-Schutzverordnung) of 21 December 2020 (Federal Gazette, Official Section, 21/12/2020, V4) have been incorporated and developed further in this new Ordinance by the Federal Government. This means that you are invariably required to complete a digital registration on entry if you have spent time in an area of variants of concern. Information on entry restrictions and quarantine regulations in Germany Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions are in place for entry into Germany from a large number of countries. This means that all persons entering the country, who spent time in one such area within the previous 10 days, must complete a digital registration on entry. The model quarantine ordinance implemented by the Federal Länder makes provision for several exemptions from quarantine. Here you can find out to what you should pay attention, which regulations apply and what persons entering the country from a risk area need to know. Travellers will then receive a relevant confirmation. Please note the following important information regarding your entry: If you are entering the Federal Republic of Germany by land, sea or air and have spent time in a risk area within the 10 To ease the strain on the public health offices and support existing procedures to monitor people required to quarantine, the Federal Government has developed the Digital Registration on Entry procedure, replacing the former paper-based registration and processing. Proof of the Digital Registration on Entry remains valid for this duration. In the future, everyone arriving in Germany from a risk area may be required to undergo a COVID-19 test. It is mandatroy to do a Corona-Test before entering Germany. Here you can find the most important frequently asked questions. Persons solely travelling through a high-incidence area without stopping over. Click here for Digital Registration on Entry: All students and speakers entering Germany are to provide a negative COVID (molecular) test taken no earlier than 48 hours prior to entry to Germany Regulations for persons entering Germany in __ __ As of: 8 November 2020 connection with coronavirus SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Dear travellers, Welcome to Germany! For Germany, restrictions are in place for entry into Germany from a large number of countries. For Germany, restrictions are in place for entry into Germany from a large number of countries. Passengers departing the U.S. and other countries identified as “virus variant areas”, “high incidence areas”, or “risk areas” must register on prior to departure to Germany. Guests must therefore present a negative Corona test result, which must not be older than 48 hours at the time of entry into Germany. Irrespective of whether or not you are entering the country by carrier, it is possible that as part of the exercise of their border police duties, the authority responsible for policing cross-border traffic (usually the Federal Police) may demand you provide confirmation of successful completion of the Digital Registration on Entry. The Germany Digital Registration on Entry is a new travel screening required for international travelers who have been in a coronavirus risk area within the last 10 days before entering Germany. Travelers should avoid all travel to Germany. Also they must be able to present proof of this registration when entering Germany. Travellers entering by … The digital entry registration can be completed online by means of a web form to be found at ... As of Nov. 8 travelers seeking entry into Germany who have been in a risk area (which includes the US) in the last 10 days are required to complete this Digital Registration on Entry and provide proof of registration when entering the country. persons in transit) or where recording an address for your stay would appear impossible (e.g. Entry rules in response to coronavirus (COVID-19) Entry to Germany. Fraudulent websites offering entry registration are currently in circulation. If you're entering Germany from another country and have visited a high-risk area in the last 10 days:. This test cannot be older than 48 hours upon entry and the negative test result must already be available on entry. The operators of these websites pretend to conduct digital entry registrations for travellers and transmit data to the authorities. The corresponding form can be downloaded from the website of the Federal Ministry of Health. They must undergo mandatory entry registration and pre-flight SARS-COV-2 testing. This can also lead to changes at very short notice, especially with regard to additions to the list of risk areas. Together with the Federal Länder’s quarantine regulations, the Ordinance on Coronavirus Entry Regulations provides for consistent obligations concerning registration, testing and proof. If you use the services of this provider, it is possible that usage data will be collected and, if necessary, stored in server protocols. You need to complete the registration before embarking on your journey. Transfer passengers with a lay-over at an airport are subject to the obligation to register if said airport is located in a risk area. To ease the strain on the public health offices and to support the processes for monitoring adherence to quarantine already in place, the Federal Government has developed the Digital Registration on Entry procedure, replacing previous paper-based recording and processing of traveller data using passenger locator cards. Questions and answers in different languages, Ordinance on Coronavirus Entry Regulations, Fact sheet and information on digital registration on entry. You can submit the digital registration under the following link: Also they must be able to present proof of this registration when entering Germany. The following groups of persons are not required to conduct digital registration on entry: Persons who were solely passing through a risk area without stopping over.

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