how did the government enforce loyalty to the war effort?

... virtually nullified the war effort of the Federal government… No matter what they do to prove their loyalties, the direction of their mindset is criticized. They needed to adapt in order to persevere. New York: Random House, 2013. This concept is ironic, since the two individuals have clearly lived in America for a while, and have begun to adopt American ways, and are therefore integrated into the community. They not only provided moral support, but they helped out the German war effort financially as well. The Committee on Public Information was created in April, 1917, by Wilson’s executive order, to help coordinate the nation’s propaganda effort. Posters were an important form of mass communication in pre-radio days and hundreds existed during the war, some with print runs in the tens of thousands. This might have made the American public more skeptical of his loyalties because it is not a one hundred percent declaration at that time. During the First World War, the Canadian government used posters as propaganda devices, for fund raising purposes and as a medium to encourage voluntary enlistment in the armed forces. He says that he has self-control, and this implies that he may be forcing himself slightly to choose a side, especially when he says that he “must” remain loyal. How did the government enforce loyalty to the war effort? Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. They cheered for their homeland’s victories, and staged festivities. Some businesses and organizations were looked into, in order to see where their money was going, to ensure that the money was going to the American cause. The result of this attitude towards rationing was that the Labour Party, the dominant force in British politics during the war, could afford to take certain licenses with the restrictions they placed on people, under the guise of their actions being taken for the good of the war effort. He also feels that he must share the feelings of the German Americans in an attempt to clarify to the American public. Many papers were raided, and most were censored in one way or another, or used to promote patriotism. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. ( Log Out /  The question was later amended to ask if they would abide by U.S. laws and not interfere with the war effort. They were united in their commitment to help support the soldiers and war-ravaged European communities. The war affected the labor movement because the government had a Work or Fight policy. World War I was one of the most complicated ordeals the German American community went through in terms of their loyalty, since choosing a side was a complicated decision. The definition was far too vague. List at least four (4) specific examples. You had to buy bonds in order to show their loyalty and they cost a little bit of money but yeah they had to buy bonds! They could show their feelings for the United States as genuine and wholehearted, or fight for their German heritage and risk alienation and danger. Wilson let it be known that “if there should be disloyalty, it will be dealt with a firm hand of stern repression.” In other words, friendship between Americans not of German ancestry to those who are German American, should be encouraged, but if they are disloyal, they should be alienated. Controlling political radicals they censored printed material anything German disappeared ethnic minority for independence lead to violence, How did the conflict expand to draw in much of Europe, Austria Hungary blamed Serbia for the assassination of franz. ... White northerners took over the government. A year later, the more restrictive Sedition Actoutlawed "disloyal, profane, scurrilous or abusive language" against the flag, the Constitution, and even the uniform of the armed forces. And should it be written down on paper, or should it be spoken words or actions? Tens of thousands more had been wounded and there were no signs that the war was coming to an end. Total of 128 American passengers died, Why did the Russian Revolution help bring America into the war, Fall of czar Nicholas the II. Once any feelings of support were expressed for the other side, or against the war altogether, that made an individual questionable, and a possible enemy. All adults were asked to answer questions on a form that become known informally as the "loyalty questionnaire." In turn, this caused much of the German cultural presence to fade within the state. There were nearly 3,600 strikes involving 4 million workers in the year 1919 alone, including a general strike in Seattle, a police strike in Boston, and a major steel strike. Cases of pro-German opposition surfaced to combat the mounting anti-German sentiment that was developing as the Americans became threatened with the possibility of spies in their midst. Curators, aids, administrators, charwomen and laborers all contributed to the war effort. World War II officially began in Europe when Germany invaded Poland in 1939. This led to many misinterpretations of patriotism. Which law did Congress pass in an effort to impeach the president? The surprise over the lists of suspects supports the belief that anti- German propaganda, that fueled suspicion and questioned loyalty, was used to fuel the anti-German hysteria of the period. The balance of power led to war countries were ethnically diverse. The supply of Canadian men volunteering was slowing considerably. He says that he was truly American and supported the cause, and makes sure to argue that and fight against those who may not agree, but the article does not say what he did to declare his loyalty. It suggests that that is the reason why these two German Americans do not understand the hysteria that came along with the war. by giving the they had earn had ship it to the united states goverment and shiped it to the war for the soldiers and the money they had was buying the supplys they need to fight like ships and bombs guns and planes that they needed. In West Haven, Connecticut, as shown in an April 28, 1917 article in the Hartford Courant, police were busy trying to stop a possible pro-German group operating in the city. Those who critiqued the government following the end of the recent war certainly did so in order to use ‘voice’ to advance the original project of state-making (see Connell, 2005). Points one through five outlines democracy in public view. The American public opinion forced the German Americans to display their loyalty in superficial ways, be subject to accusations of sabotage, see all they had worked towards as a people be dismissed, as if it had never existed. The vast majority of Shiite personnel within the Iraqi army — along with Sunnis — fought loyally during the war. As the Americans supported British and French efforts at the start of the war, so too did the German Americans in support of Germany. The country was almost perfectly balanced between Democratic states and Republican states. Correct Answer: Answer would ideally include: Strikes: Workers organized to resist the rapid erosion of their wartime gains. 5. ( Log Out /  In a November 29th article, it is said that this is to be the next step in Washington, D.C., to remove all Germans from influential roles. Resistance in turn targets those securitisation measures while loyalty to the overarching state consolidation project is still in place. How did Germany's use of submarines affect the war? In June 1917, Congress passed the Espionage Act, making it a crime for Americans to speak against their government's war effort, to incite disloyalty, or to encourage men to resist the draft. Most businessmen, landowners, and merchants enjoyed relatively productive economic lives, so they were able to afford the relatively high level of taxation the federal government imposed to raise additional funds. Teachers could be those that taught the German language in the school system, or those that were of German decent that were teachers. You may have to sing the national anthem, or listen to speeches. The Fall of the House of Dixie: The Civil War and the Social Revolution that Transformed the South. The German language press was heavily effected by anti-German sentiment. Mobilization of the American Home Front. The second German American that wrote into the Hartford Courant editor says that his oath of loyalty contains no reservations. You would also have to support the war financially, and that meant you needed to buy liberty bonds. Hitler hoped that by conditioning young people in groups like the Hitler Youth, they would “never be free again, not in their whole lives.” 1 Many young people were deeply influenced by these groups, but support for the Hitler Youth was never as widespread and strong as Nazi leaders would have liked. Other cases showed that anyone who entertained a pro-German sympathy or an anti-war attitude were to be dismissed from their jobs, but in particular, any government jobs or offices they might have held. ( Log Out /  Question 50 The ____________ was a law enacted in 1935 which among its provisions provided assistance to dependent children who did not have a wage-earning parent. The federal government was both willing and able to able to employ a high degree of borrowing power to fund the costs of the war. UNPROFOR could actively oppose the Bosnian Serb effort and side with the Muslim victims of the war. ( Log Out /  Recruiting posters rem… World War I saw the German immigrants assimilated into the American culture, and become German Americans. The Committee did such things as monitor the German language press, and attempted to push patriotic material onto them for the purpose of promoting it. ... Black Codes were established in the South immediately after the Civil War in an effort to. If they were not yet a fully naturalized citizen, they would be questioned again. Women found jobs on farms, Describe Hoover's strategy for food conservation, Price controls rationing food administration worked to increase farm output and reduce waste, How did war change the lives of Americans on the homefront, Children joined scouting programs all able-bodied a males and colleges or universities became army privates, How did the government enforce loyalty to war effort, Controlling political radicals they censored printed material anything German disappeared, which 3 countries belong to the Allied powers in 1914, Which 4 countries belong to the Central Powers, Germany Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Ottoman Empire, Portugal France Britain Italy Russia Serbia Romania Greece, Which seven European countries remain neutral in the war, Spain Norway Denmark Sweden Netherlands Switzerland Albania, Which 7 countries supplied at least 1 million soldiers to the war effort, Ottoman Empire Austria-Hungary Germany Serbia Romania Italy and Russia, What are the four main causes of World War I, Imperialism nationalism Militarism alliances, Trench warfare. However, with the end of the war, Labour Party politicians neglected to sense a swing in mood−the war had ended and British … Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2010. The Committee on Public Information was created in April, 1917, by Wilson’s executive order, to help coordinate the nation’s propaganda effort . heart. The U.S army air service played major role. The primary aims of the educational and youth reforms in the Nazi regime were to mobilise the German youth behind Hitler ready to face the war. The Committee did such things as monitor the German language press, and attempted to push patriotic material onto them for the purpose of promoting it. You would have to participate in rituals of patriotism, even supporting the cause symbolically. How did the war affect the labor movement? Newspapers now had to print not only in German as was their norm, but also in English so that their activities could be monitored by the government. If a German American worked in a factory whose work was to further the supplies, such as munitions, for the war effort, they would be questioned. In other regions of the country, German influenced monuments were vandalized, such as representations of Germania, and statues of prominent German Americans, such as Goethe and Schiller, in Pennsylvania . Associated with the principle of state rights was a sense of state loyalty that could prevail over a feeling of national patriotism. Anyone who had been “un-American in their thoughts and speech” had no right to be in the government. Taft already set a precedent in which it would help the workers by keeping a good pay and decent hours. The April 7th article’s editor says that the point of view of the two German-Americans that have written in is German, and not American. This instance came after McDonald had proved that his explosive had worked at a demonstration. This view insinuates that the editor feels that the two individuals are not as loyal as they are trying to make the public believe, and that they are more German than American. When the United States gave up its neutrality and entered into the war effort themselves, their previous opinion of the Germans, as good contributing citizens, changed, and lead the German American community to be looked upon as enemies. Giving military more authority over government and foreign-policy, committee on public information propaganda agency, George Creel, head of agency 75,000 men delivered speeches posters and billboards, Forbade "false statements designed to impede the draft and promote military and subordination, Unlawful to obstruct sale of war bonds and to use disloyal language against government constitution flags or military, banding together of groups and search for freedom resulted in an increase feeling of, Te effort made by European nations to gain colonies, A Serbian killed arch duke franz Ferdinand and his wife, Situation in which neither side was able to gain advantage, Information intended to sway public opinion, Plan to guide peace before the war. 1917, authorized draft of young men for military, Military innovations introduced during WW1, Selective service act, training, congress sent naval support, supplies, arms, $3 billion in loans, A group of unarmed ships surrounded by a ring of destroyers, torpedo boats and other armed naval vessels equipped w/ hydrophones to track and destroy submarines, In what ways did American troops help turn the tide of the war, Help French save Paris, stopped German attacks, recaptured village of cantigny, Conditions in Europe and in the U.S at the end of the war, Influenza epidemic, European death toll much larger than American. This event shows that those who had mixed sympathies tended to fight back in some way. There was no further evidence that the members of this group had been caught. By 1944, women held more than a third of civil service jobs in fields formerly reserved for men. But this would entail sacrificing the evenhandedness that is the hallmark of U.N. peacekeeping. Tweets and accusations of “fake news” may be issued from the White House today, but in April 1917, the U.S. government created a whole committee to … This Research Paper considers the context of Fisher’s declaration by briefly outlining the steps leading to the outbreak of the war and the costs to Australia by the end of hostilities. He considered that he may not be truly loyal to the United States. Should it be physically or mentally? In 1943, the War Department and the War Relocation Authority (WRA) joined forces to create a bureaucratic means of assessing the loyalty of Nikkei in the WRA concentration camps. artime in Upper Canada, which had a mixed population of loyalists and more recent American immigrants, posed problems for individuals and the government. Neely, Jr., Mark E. The Union Divided: Party Conflict in the Civil War North. a. He has asserted that he has made up his mind, but does not want to fully abandon Germany and the German Americans just yet. He feels that there is still a story that needs to be told. Russian monarchy replaced with republican government. The next question facing German Americans would be what exactly is loyalty? answer choices . Know: "Work or Fight," National War Labor Board, Wobblies 7. General Brock began the war pessimistic about the loyalty of a significant part of the population and doubts remained about the reliability of the newcomers throughout the war. The surfacing and intensification of anti-German feelings in Connecticut during World War I reflected what occurred throughout the United States. 1. pinkgoudauex2003. Russia began mobilization on August 1 Germany declared war on Russia, In what ways did the US respond the war in Europe, The preparedness movement the peace movement US wanted to stay out of war, Policy of aggressively building up nation's armed Forces in preparation for war. The Liberty Loan Act allowed the federal government to sell liberty bonds to the American public, extolling citizens to “do their part” to help the war effort and bring the troops home. This German American man appears to still be struggling with his loyalty. Other professionals, such as professors and the highly educated, were dismissed from their jobs as well, due to accusations of being Pro-German. Special war bonds to support the allied cause, A system of pricing determined by the government on the sale of food, Distributing goods to consumers in fixed amounts, Turn clocks ahead one hour to give farmers additional time for crops, Any speech or action that encourages rebellion, Wilson's proposal in 1918 for a postwar peace, The power to make decisions about one's future, An organization in which the nations of the world join together to ensure security and peace for all members, Payment for economic injury suffered during war, Treaty that ended world war 1 (U.S never signed treaty), German submarine a weapon that changed naval warfare, German government promised they would warn ships before attacking, Telegram sent from Germans to Mexican officials proposing an alliance with Mexico and promising the U.S territory if Mexico declared war with U.S. Collapse of czar's government. Fear was the newest vehicle of control the United States government would utilize. By shredding the American flags, this pro-German group had shown that they would not let actions and supplies that would be used against the German people go on unnoticed. The propaganda used had disgusted him, as he felt that he was treated as a ‘hyphenate’, someone who is not wholly German and wholly American, but someone who is on only one side of the spectrum. The government also encouraged people to buy war bonds, which were often called victory bonds. Because of Canada’s bilingual character, recruiting poster images and text reflected different cultural traditions, outlooks and sensibilities. This German American that wrote into the war, the direction of their wartime gains the goal the... Ii officially began in Europe when Germany invaded Poland in 1939: you are commenting your! Back in some way at least four ( 4 ) specific examples country and those in around... If you were called to do so set a precedent in which it would the... 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