if i fell

Of course not.” Proves nothing, as virtually all of your points (in virtually all your posts) do. It was written primarily by John Lennon, with help from Paul McCartney. Do you think your opinions have not reached enough people here? Doesn´t Lennon “make total sense musically”? One accurate version. I would like to add that I agree with Paul when he says about this song, “People tend to forget that John wrote some pretty nice ballads.” He then says that they wrote it together. Learn how to play your favorite songs with Ultimate Guitar huge database. But, of course, if you wish to defer for some “reason” to Macca, go ahead: knock yourself out! I’ve been an admirer of the fabs since they first appeared on Ed Sullivan back in 1964…I’ve been a musician for decades. The group typically performed the song faster than the studio version, and Lennon and McCartney often sang it with barely suppressed laughter. The song opens with an unrepeated introductory section sung by Lennon, followed by a standard "Tin Pan Alley" AABA form. “Oh, I get high with a little help from my friends…”. So I shouldn’t have been quite so careless when reproducing it! ….to paraphrase Walter Kerr, the problem with memory is not that it forgets, it’s that it tends to create….Now, having said that, I think it’s probable that Paul acted as musical director for this song providing John with his lower pitched harmony part…John usually deferred to Paul’s suggestions and judgments in the recording studio; however, that’s not a songwriting credit, that’s a producing credit…. This site is not associated with The Beatles, Apple Corps Ltd, related organisations, or any members of The Beatles or their representatives. Having been in a recording studio I am familiar with the sound of a “punch in” where one recorded track with a mistake is re-recorded live and at some point the engineer pushes the record button to start laying down the new track. "IF I FELL" (John Lennon - Paul McCartney) The innocence of 60's pop music was reflected in The Beatles' songwriting in the early 60's. Why would he trouble to complete a home demo solo if he had been working on it with Paul? The vocal harmonies to me are quite impressive. I have several friends who are guitarists and they all have different ways of working things out on their instruments (partly because they are proficient in different genres of music). A departure from the simplicity of Johns earlier songs, the lyrics describe complicated feelings as he asks a new love if she will be true and to help him understand his feelings. Well Richard, It’s not hyperbolic to say that John had zero help in the composition of “If I Fell.” It’s really that simple. Paul McCartney stated that he contributed to the song: "We wrote 'If I Fell' together."[4]. Don't miss our sister site, the Bowie Bible, now live! It makes sense in this song because John wrote two different melodies, the first he gave to Paul because it was too high to sing. This one has the same chord sequence – just around D and D minor and E minor, those kinds of things. Had it been an equal collaboration, Paul would’ve sung this part from the beginning. In Many Years From Now 1997, the competetive McCartney d o e s n o t say a word of “his” intro in If I Fell. Paul may have helped with the chord progression, but whatever he did contribute it had nothing to do with the greatness of the song. Just because I disagree with the way you put it forth does not mean I do not respect your viewpoint. In My Life was the first one that worked as a ballad. For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. The Beatles mimed to ‘If I Fell’ during the A Hard Day’s Night film. Also the idea that anything melodically and harmonically advanced “screams Paul” is ill informed at best. Amusingly, Lennon sings the love song to Ringo Starr. There’s no one more fanatical and obsessive and knowledgeable then the Beatle fan. I suppose he was the author of the 19th century circus poster that was hanging in John’s house. I originally found this one to be one of those songs John and Paul disagreed over when it comes to writing-credits, but given what you have written is true, it seems that they are basically on the same wavelength — which of course DID happen from time to time…. Cause I've been in love before. A slight headache does not necessarily mean something is wrong, but if the headache gets gradually worse, or if it starts out as very painful, it could be a sign of a serious injury. but later corrected himself and said It is a Lennon composition). I really admire Paul: however, this is John’s song entirely…the evidence is conclusive beyond ANY doubt…the song lyric, except for part of one line, is completely finished on John’s Home demo that ended up in the hands of the Beatles’ Chauffeur Alf Bicknell….later, John polished the one line in the lyric and that exists as well;and clearly, he wrote all of the music to this song, on his own, stem to stern….the chords in the demo are IDENTICAL to that on the finished record with one major exception: it was written in a different key on a guitar tuned down a whole step. He also says Maybe I’m amazed is one of his favorite songs. But if it is, it may be due to the quality of the original tape of that take being compromised somehow. I believe Paul “cracks-up” a bit, rather than cracks, probably at his not taken an adequate breath to prepare for that extremely difficult passage culminating with “… was in vain …” which is at the very toppermost of Paul’s (or nearly any male on Earth’s) vocal range. I wrote this article before I had bought the Sheff book, and you’re right – that full quote isn’t there. And help me understand. As every musician will say, sometimes an early take , albeit one not necessarily the best , has the feel, and that’s what we are all searching for . As a singer who has attempted it on numerous occasions, with only occasional success, my opinion is that the difficulty in hitting those high notes is second only to the difficulty of attempting to duplicate Paul’s vocals in the latter part of Oh Darling! The stereo mixes had less importance at the time. If you've learned something new about the band and wish to show your appreciation, why not make a small donation via PayPal? It usually happens on a beat to other so it is not obvious. Have you been given access to David Sheff’s original tapes? The previous version, which you mentioned, was taken from the rec.music.beatles newsgroup, but the person who posted it did say: “I think I got it from a Playboy interview somewhere”. It would not be sensible to think otherwise.The demo changes everything concerning our understanding of the songwriting process as it relates to this song: in particular, the recently-“disputed” introduction. The beginning of the song is totally different from the completed song, hence preamble. He also used it in “Do you want to know a secret”. Although my uncertainties remain, I am not deferring to anyone. Also, I notice how people try to minimize Paul’s contributions to the Beatles songs. …unless we assume that he meant the section that goes: “…her, ’cause I couldn’t stand the pain, and I would be sad if I knew love was in vain.”. The English use “ middle eight “ meaning the bridge , regardless of how many bars it is. I gave you two of Paul’s unfinished tunes previously: “Michelle” and “We Can Work It Out”….add to that “Everybody Had a Hard Year”…John’s contribution to “I’ve Got A Feeling” which exists as a solo demo). Additionally, the demo does sound like a composition demo (John switches between what became his vocals and Paul’s) and it seems like John had pretty much everything on this one (it sounds great by the way!). I only meant to infer as to why I was not certain that everyone who read your claim would agree with you. I’ve corrected the quote, to the one on pages 194-5 in David Sheff’s excellent book. I won’t point fingers – the comments speak for themselves from which direction most of the negativity comes from… Shame that there should be any different parties and fan-groups at all. A first verse that goes: ‘I was living in Kentucky when I. Many think I am nagging about this. And they sing it together, too, although John IS more audible here. Can you tell the words behind D9, G and Gminor? Ps. The second performance took place on 17 July at the BBC Paris Studio, London, and was first broadcast on 3 August. Is HE lying? I don’t necessarily agree with everything you have written on this website. ‘If I Fell’ was also the b-side of the ‘And I Love Her’ single, which reached number 12 on the Billboard chart. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Pepper’s,’ ranking of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison’s output Well Richard, I found your reply to be in a word: odd. Visit the Beatles history section. It features Lennon's intricate chord changes. So many words, but there’s still no prove that John recorded this demo without ever having played the song together with Paul – which could have happened any time, since they were spending so much time together. Or at least talk it out and get closer to the truth. … Also, why is McCartney still using Beatle songs as examples of his songwriting abilities, is he not proud of what he did with Wings and his solo career? "If I Fell" was a part of the Beatles repertoire during their US and Canadian tour in 1964. It is what it is. I’ll give Paul credit for being specific about his contribution to Help (the counter melody). That’s what I thought, too, when I first heard (and fell in love with) it. The Beatles Bible uses cookies to bring you a better browsing experience. [2][3] "That's my first attempt at a ballad proper. Johan was there, after all, and knows EXACTLY who wrote what…..which translates to Lennon writing anything of value and McCartney absconding with the credit. Want more? If you listen to John’s home demo the song is already complete, with intro, middle eight, et. “If I Fell,” a song by The Beatles, is about how the speaker is entering a new relationship, and wants to be sure that the girl he’s with now, won’t hurt him like the last girl he was with. To prove the point here, a rough demo tape of John Lennon doing this song completely by himself exists on YOUTUBE before it was ever recorded (with him singing the higher lead vocal). Now it has come in You Tube a demo with Lennon alone singing the whole song: the intro,the verse and the middle part!! But for Q Magazine, May 2013, McCartney suddenly sais that he composed it! All images © their respective owners. It shows that I wrote sentimental love ballads way back when", Lennon stated in his 1980 Playboy interview. George Martin spun the tape back and told them to start singing again and at that moment- for whatever reason- he “punched in” the new recording. So, while I’m sure it’s true that Paul was a “big fan of the preamble in my early days,” it’s beyond dispute that John was the only composer of a preamble in their Beatle days together….As for Paul? Yes, this demo does sound surprisingly close to the finished product, but I personally feel that this would only fuel the debate further. The remainder of the song uses a two-part harmony, with Lennon singing the lower harmony while McCartney sings the higher one. On the released Beatles version, the first chord is Ebm…to my mind, the greatest opening bars to any Beatles Ballad…This is, I believe, the greatest ballad on ANY record… let alone Beatles record…and this is where Paul comes in…Paul’s contribution may have been to help John change the key (lowering the pitch a half-step) thereby making it more suitable for the incomparable two-part harmony….Paul probably created his vocal part; however, this is an ARRANGING credit (NOT a songwriting credit). These cookies do not store any personal information. If I trust in you Oh, please Don't run and hide If I love you too Oh, please Don't hurt my pride like her As previously stated, I do admire Lennon, but I try to keep my perspective of his legacy as objective as I can due to my personal frustrations with the ways in which much of the general public have tended to analyze his legacy at the expense of the other members of the band. The acclaimed Amazon bestsellerRiding So High – The Beatles and Drugs By the creator of the Beatles Bible.Buy now:Paperback | Ebook ★ ★ ★ ★ ★. That was the precursor to ‘In My Life’. The Beatles recorded ‘If I Fell’ twice for BBC radio. Those early years of Beatlemania must have been quite exciting while making it next to impossible to be creative as artists. And help me understand. But like I said, given how many arguments there are among fans of the Beatles and how many differing perspectives on their legacy that there are, it hardly seems unreasonable to expect certain viewpoints to come off as “odd” to any fan of the band depending on his or her own biases and judgements. Or listen to the middle part in Lennon´s Yes It Is from Dminor in “…with you by my side…” to Gminor in “…if I could forget her…” . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It’s John’s song because in the demo he recorded, he is singing the part that ends up being Paul’s (not very well admittedly, as it was out of his range and he knew it). The original quote was closer to the actual audio, but still not quite correct. But … That would mean that John ,and Paul would both have to punch in. On more than one occasion it was introduced as "If I Fell Over". Would you promise to be true. The song became a part of The Beatles’ live repertoire in 1964. The harmony vocals here are amazing – John’s vocals in particular are very hard to sing! Sorry that my own perspective struck you in such a way, but I really wouldn’t be surprised if everybody who visited this site had such feelings about at least one comment or opinion they’ve encountered here. 'Cause I've been in love before. But the clincher for me is how deceptively Paul phrases this: “One song I wrote a little after Please Please Me was my best attempt at a preamble (…) Paul McCartney Q Magazine, May 2013”. It just is what it is. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Seventh year wasn't quite turning out as planned. The YouTube demo of If I Fell by John at his home is virtually one for one with the finished product. Песня написана Джоном Ленноном при участии Пола Маккартни . This was fixed digitally for the CD release, which I honestly think was unnecessary and gratuitious. The home-demo doesn’t prove John didn’t work on it with Paul before recording it. And while I personally feel that Lennon is occasionally overpraised in some areas, it does not change one iota of my admiration for his musicianship and songwriting. You may claim (and genuinely believe) that the existence of this demo is solid proof of Lennon having written the melody and chord progression by himself and use your own views of his compositional tendencies as support for your claim. By most accounts that I’ve come across, Lennon had a tendency to write lyrics before setting them to music (or collaborating with McCartney on the process) so the lyrical aspect of the songwriting was not part of my perspective here. Not a single example of the opposite. He seems perfectly lucid, not drooling all over himself or nodding and what not. I’ll leave the rest of your tripe to itself. And don’t forget how many musical ideas or lyrics fell by the wayside during the writing or recording process. However, I do not appreciate you telling me to “knock myself out.” You seem to be forgetting that as I stated earlier, I do not believe there is enough evidence to completely verify all of the claims made by both Lennon and McCartney regarding the composition of this song, so I am rather baffled at your claim that I “wish to defer” to McCartney. I felt it unnecessary, petty and like you said, impossible. C) Even more interesting, a melodic preamble not used in the the rest of the song, like in this example, was a Lennon trait. Do these lines tell us that girl should sing that? During reading McCartney´s comments all the years, I have learnt not to believe a word of what he is saying, unfortunately. But not for us. But suddenly 2013, he does. And they sang together (John & Paul) onwards on the entire song. Yes, it’s because Paul’s voice is higher than John’s and so naturally he’d do the higher harmony, some of the notes being too high for John to sing. This is the Beatles we’re talking about after all. 名古屋栄に位置するif i fellのオンラインショップです。東海地区を中心としたアーティストのcdやグッズ、ブランド等を取り扱いしています。 John always tried to keep the melody as simple as possible, as George Martin explained and as you can witness on many, many of his songs. Of course not. People don´t know that. I don’t expect to change your mind of course, but at this point what can we possibly say about this that hasn’t already been said? It goes D, Em, F#m…I think it’s their best ballad. Komponiert wurde es von John Lennon und Paul McCartney und unter der Autorenangabe Lennon/McCartney veröffentlicht. McCartney is always claiming his contributions on Lennon songs since Lennon died, and that is VERY unfair. "If I Fell". I have the 2009 Stereo remaster CD of AHDN (which I’ve– metaphorically– worn the grooves out on) and I used to cringe in sympathy every time the fifth verse came round (it is a pretty high note), but now I kind of like it. 2. All I did was to state why I disagreed with you. So it’s just Paul proving his point: John is doing the lead vocal (when there is one, e.g. I can’t claim to know which of you are correct, but on the 2009 mono re-mix (which I’m listening to right now on pro quality headphones) something is odd about it–the sound of Paul’s voice warbles a little on that 2nd “in vain”. John was borderline on his low end, and Paul on the border on the top. Seeing an attractive girl from across the dance floor, having … Your posts ARE interesting as a study in aspersive-obsessive psychology, however. The single was intended for export, but some retailers sold it in the UK anyway. ‘If I Fell’ was the third song on the UK version of the A Hard Day’s Night album, which was released on 10 July 1964. Rachel seems obsessed with percentages. But I think it is a music history scandal. I don’t have a John bias…I have great respect for McCartney. And I found that love was more. just to expand on matt’s comment – paul’s voice cracks on the stereo version of if i fell, the mono version is a different take, with perfect vocal – one of those odd fabs mono / stereo oddities (see please please me as an example). If I fell in love with you. Listen to when Lennon changes the key the second time in the middle part I Should Have Known Better, “…oh oh oh ooho…”. Both songs are from The Beatles album “A Hard Day’s Night”. The acclaimed Amazon bestseller by the creator of the Beatles Bible. in “…I´m crying…I´m crying…” in I Am The Walrus. Listen to who sings what and you have the songwriting credits right there (ALMOST always). If you composed songes, your life mission, and another person gets the credit of it, would you think it would be funny? In this song , John sings intro ( melody ) , then when verse begins he goes into a harmony BELOW Pauls melody ( yes, I know John wrote it ) . That means that most of the music writers in the future will use what I call the “M c C a r t n e y p r e s u m t i o n. That means: If you are unsure who composed what,let McCartney get the credit. It was George playing the seventh fret interval harmonic on D and G string. Just to keep on topic, Paul is clearly referring to the preamble when he talks about the “song I wrote..”. ) was solved when John ’ s the classic Beatle-case of “ who is singing lead really! Proves nothing, as far as I can hear that the demo tape reveals how John wrote Eleanor Rigby I... S 2013 Q Magazine interview maybe I ’ m being circumspect and sensible…the “. 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