suspension of payments philippines

Rehabilitation is the opposite of liquidation. QUEZON CITY, April 8 -- Loan payments, payments of taxes and even utilities have been put on hold during the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in Luzon as part of government's efforts to cushion the impact of the ECQ, Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases spokesperson Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles said during Wednesday's virtual … The Philippines has specific rules for different proceedings affecting insolvent debtors and their creditors. — If the debtor fails wholly or in part to perform the agreement decided upon at the meeting of the creditors, all the rights which  the  creditors  had  against  the  debtor  before  the agreement  shall  revest  in  them. Provisions common to liquidation in insolvency of individual and juridical debtors: [See also Cross-Border Rehabilitation and Insolvency: Actions of Foreign Creditors and Enforcement Framework of Foreign Proceedings in the Philippines; Financial Rehabilitation Rules of Procedure (A.M. No. as well as those provided under special laws such as 13th month pay. Foreseeing  the  impossibility  of  meeting  them  when  they respectively fall due 3. 12-12-11-SC); Financial Liquidation and Suspension of Payments Rules of Procedure for Insolvent Debtors (A.M. No. (e)        To     form     a     majority     it     is     necessary     —   1. For the period wherein an employee is placed under preventive suspension, said employee is not entitled to pay. (b)    The petition of the debtor, the schedule of debts and of property, the statement of assets and liabilities, and the proposed   agreement   filed   there-   with   shall   be   read forthwith by the clerk, and the discussion shall be opened. Many banks and basic utility services had also suspended payment collection since the enhanced community quarantine was announced last … The Philippines has specific rules for different proceedings affecting insolvent debtors and their creditors. Meeting of creditors for the consideration of the debtor’s proposition 5. The Court resolved to APPROVE the Financial Liquidation and Suspension of Payments Rules of Procedure for Insolvent Debtors (2015), otherwise known as the "FLSP Rules". Issuance by the court of an order calling a meeting of creditors 3. Publication of the order and service of summons 4. Issuance   of   order   by   the   court   directing   that   the agreement be carried  out in case the decision is declared valid,  or  when  no  objection  to  said  decision  has  been presented, 1. Persons  who  may  refrain  from  voting. Required fields are marked *. The petition need not be verified (Verification is when the debtor would affirm all allegations and statement of facts), 1. Republic Act No. the state of suspension of payments by the court, or the judge thereof in vacation, of the province or of the city in which he has resided for six months next preceding the filing of his petition. A  verified  inventory  containing  a  list  of  creditors,  an accurate description of all the property, real and personal, of the petitioner including property exempt from execution and a statement as to the value of each item of property, its location, and encumbrances thereon, if any 3. 10142, otherwise known as the Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act of 2010 (FRIA). Financial Liquidation and Suspension of Payments Rules of Procedure for Insolvent Debtors. Petition. Said  order  shall  further  contain  an  absolute  injunction forbidding  the  petitioning  debtor  from  disposing  in  any manner  of  his  property,  except  in  so  far  as  concerns  the ordinary operations of commerce or of industry in which the petitioner  is  engaged,  and,  furthermore,  from  making  any payments  outside  of  the  necessary  or  legitimate  expenses of  his  business  or  industry,  so  long  as  the  proceedings relative  to  the  suspension  of  payments  are  pending,  and said  proceedings  for  the  purposes  of  this  Act  shall  be considered  to  have  been  instituted  from  the  date  of  the filing of the petition. Persons  having  claims  for  personal  labor,  maintenance, expenses of last illness and funeral of the wife or children of  the  debtor  incurred  in  60  days  immediately  preceding the filing of the petition 2. Suspension of payment of tax, utilities, rentals sought. Corporate rehabilitation was also provided in Presidential Decree No. Learn how your comment data is processed. Suspension of payments 4. BRIEF HISTORY. A debtor may refer to an individual debtor (natural persons) or juridical persons. The Legal Fees to be Collected in Cases of Liquidation of Solvent Juridical Debtors, Liquidation of Insolvent Juridical and Individual Debtors, Conversion from Rehabilitation to Liquidation Proceedings, Suspension of Payments of Insolvent Individual Debtors and Petitions in an Out of Court Restructuring Agreement Provided Under A.M. Nos. Approval of the creditor’s of the debtor’s proposition 6. Suspended Employee Is Not Entitled To Pay. ... Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company, and other telecommunication companies-- to grant a reprieve in the imposition of surcharges and penalties on the unpaid bills of their customers.      Postponement  by  court  order  of  the  payment  of  debts  of one who, while possessing sufficient property to cover his debts,  foresees  the  impossibility  of  meeting  them  when they respectively fall due, 1. Form, payee, time and place of payment of wages Form. 7. The rehabilitation or liquidation shall be made with a view to ensure or maintain certainty and predictability in commercial affairs, preserve and maximize the value of the assets of these debtors, recognize creditor rights and respect priority of claims, and ensure equitable treatment of creditors who are similarly situated. Mobile Globe: +63 (915) 954-6080Mobile Smart: +63 (949) 589-8377 Landline: (632) 359-4203, 2nd Floor LC Building, 31 Gen. Luna St., Tuktukan 1632 Taguig City, Philippines, © 2021 BATASnatin - Filipino's Comprehensive Online Law Resource and Community, Republic Act No. Senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. By Liza Agoot and Pigeon Lobien March 20, 2020, 2:06 pm. SECTION 12. A statement of his assets and liabilities 4. These remedies are: Only individual debtors (natural persons) may file a petition for suspension of payments. During the suspension period, the principle of “no work, no pay” applies, and thus the … There are three kinds of rehabilitation proceedings, covered by separate set of rules: Provisions common to voluntary/involuntary court-supervised rehabilitation proceedings: An insolvent juridical debtor may file a verified petition for liquidation in the Regional Trial Court which has jurisdiction over its principal office as specified in its articles of incorporation or partnership. (a)     Defects  in  the  call  for  the  meeting,  in  the  holding thereof,  and  in  and  the  deliberations  had  thereat  which prejudice         the         rights         of         the         creditors; (b)    Fraudulent connivance between one or more creditors and  in  debtor  to  vote  in  favor  of  the  proposed  agreement;   (c)     Fraudulent  conveyance  of  claims  for  the  purpose  of obtaining a majority. In case that the decision of the meeting is held to be null, the court shall declare the proceeding terminated and the parties concerned at liberty to exercise the rights which may  correspond  to  them;  and  in  case  the  decision  of  the meeting   is   declared   valid,   or   when   no   opposition   or objection  to  said  decision  has  been  presented,  the  court shall  order  that  the  agreement  be  carried  out  and  the persons  concerned  shall  be  bound  by  the  decision  of  the meeting. That  the  claims  represented  by  said  majority  vote amount to at least three-fifths of the total liabilities of the debtor mentioned in the petition. In liquidation, corporations preserve their assets in order to sell them. —  A  copy  of  said order shall immediately be published 1 by the clerk of said court, in the newspaper designated therein, for the number of  times  and  in  the  form  prescribed  by  the  court  or  the judge thereof, and the clerk of said court shall cause a copy of  said  order  to  be  delivered  personally  or  to  be  sent forthwith   by   registered   mail,   postage   prepaid,   to   all creditors named in the schedule. 127, s. 2021), Amended List of 2021 Holidays (Full Text of Proclamation No. 6646- An Act Introducing Additional Reforms in the Electoral System and for Other Purposes, Republic Act No. (c)    The debtor may modify his proposition or propositions in view of the result of the debate, or insist upon the ones already  made,  and  the  judge  or  commissioner,  without further discussion, shall clearly and succinctly  place  these several   propositions   before   the   meeting   for   a   vote thereupon. chanroblespublishin gcompany He shall necessarily annex to his petition a schedule and inventory in Corporate rehabilitation traces its roots to the Insolvency Act, which, as noted above, includes proceedings for suspension of payments when a debtor foresees the impossibility of meeting its debts when they fall due. Click here to report. When rehabilitation is not feasible, it is in the interest of the State to facilitate a speedy and orderly liquidation of these debtors’ assets and the settlement of their obligations. Also in 2000, the Supreme Court approved the Interim Rules of Procedure on Corporate Rehabilitation, which provides a summary and non-adversarial proceeding to expedite the resolution of cases for the benefit of the corporation in need of rehabilitation, its creditors, and the public in general. Share. A verified schedule containing a full and true statement of the debts and liabilities of the petitioner together with a list of creditors, including the residence, sum due each, nature of liability, consideration thereof, and any existing pledge, lien or security 2. Senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla is urging the government to consider suspending the payment of mortgage fees and other expenses during the quarantine that will be imposed in Metro Manila to avert the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Issuance  by  the  court  of  an  order  calling  a  meeting  of creditors 3. 2014-01, in case of apprehension, drivers who fail to pay the corresponding fine of their violation within 15 days would result to automatic driver license suspension in the Philippines. When the number of creditors representing at least 3/5 of the liabilities don’t attend 2. Insolvency is defined as the financial incapacity of debtors to pay their liabilities as they fall due in the ordinary course of business, or whenever their liabilities are greater than their assets. Use the link for other notifications. If the persons present who have complied with the foregoing rules represent at least three- fifths  of  the  liabilities,  the  judge  or  commissioner  shall declare        the        meeting        open        for        business. Suspension may be for a certain period ranging from one to several days. This is how to place an employee under preventive suspension pending investigation in the Philippines. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, May 4) –– President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered PhilHealth to suspend the collection of higher premiums from overseas Filipino workers, his … Failure to pay rent and other reasons during the quarantine period and grace period Property owners cannot evict tenants in ECQ, MECQ, and GCQ areas from the start of the quarantine until the end of the mandatory 30-day grace period (which starts from the last due date of rent or from the lifting of the quarantine, whichever is longer). The procedure and requirements are fleshed out in the Financial Rehabilitation Rules of Procedure or the “FR Rules” (A.M. No. In rehabilitation, corporations have to maintain their assets to continue business operations. 1956), which became law in 1909, was the governing law covering suspension of payments and insolvency proceedings, both voluntary and involuntary, for both individuals and juridical persons. It also made applying for loans online easier. Petitioning that  he be declared in the state  of  suspension of payments 4. 1107), National Vaccination and Vaccine Cards: Primer on the COVID-19 Vaccination Program Act of 2021 (Republic Act No. The Insolvency Law (Act No. Rehabilitation is the restoration of the juridical debtor to a condition of successful operation and solvency, if it is shown that its continuance of operation is economically feasible and its creditors can recover by way of the present value of payments projected in the plan, more if the debtor continues as a going concern than if it is immediately liquidated. Insolvent 3. —  If  any  execution  be pending against the debtor it shall not be consolidated with this proceeding, but the course thereof shall be suspended before  sale  of  property  is  made  thereunder,  provided  the debtor makes a request therefor to the court before which the  proceeding  for  suspension  of  payments  is  pending, unless   the   execution   be   against   property   especially mortgaged  which  is  hereby  exempted  from  the  least  the provisions of this section. When  the  two  majorities  required  are  not  in  favor  of  the proposed agreement,      If the decision of the  meeting be  negative as regards the proposed  agreement  or  if  no  decision  is  had  in  default  of such  number  of  such  majorities,  the  proceedings  shall  be terminated without recourse      In  such  case,  the  parties  concerned  shall  be  at  liberty  to enforce the rights which correspond to them,      Defects in the call for the meeting, in the holding thereof, and  in  the  deliberation  had  there  at  which  prejudice  the rights of the creditors      Fraudulent connivance between one or more creditors and the debtor in favor of the proposed agreement      Fraudulent   conveyance  of  claims  for  the   purpose   of obtaining a majority. Pursuant to LTO’s Joint Administrative Order no. Objections, if any, to the decision which must be made within 10 days following the meeting 7. Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. The country's finance department said April 1 that under the Bayanihan Law, all banks, including quasi-banks, nonstock savings and loan associations, credit card issuers and pawnshops, will be mandated to offer the 30-day grace period without interest, penalties or additional charges to all loan payments falling due within the Luzon region's enhanced community quarantine period, with effect from April 2. SECTION    11. There are separate rules for voluntary liquidation (filed by the debtor) and involuntary liquidation (filed by creditors). You should, as a rule, pay in cash. The  order  directing  the  agreement  to  be made effective shall be binding upon all creditors included in the schedule of the debtor who may have been properly summoned,  but  not  upon  creditors  mentioned  in  section nine  who  failed  to  attend  the  meeting  or  refrained  from voting therein, and their rights shall not be affected by the agreement  unless  they  may  have  expressly  or  impliedly consented thereto. Payment of wages by check or money order shall be allowed when such manner of payment is customary on the date of effectivity of this Code, or is necessary because of special circumstances as specified in appropriate regulations to be issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment or as stipulated in a collective bargaining agreement. This remedy is available when the individual debtor has assets that exceed his/her liabilities, but foresees the impossibility of paying his debts when they respectively fall due. Meeting  of  creditors  for  the  consideration  of  the  debtor’s proposition 5. Furthermore, the suspension of the payment of taxes including RPT is well within President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s power and authority. He  shall  necessarily  annex  to  his  petition  a  schedule  and inventory in the form  provided in sections fifteen, sixteen, and  seventeen  of  this  Act,  in  addition  to  the  statement  of his  assets  and  liabilities  and  the  proposed  agreement  he requests of his creditors. SECTION  9. MANILA, Philippines — A joint congressional panel has moved closer to concluding discussions on the proposed Bayanihan to Recover as One Act, or the Bayanihan 2 … SECTION   8. The purpose of corporate rehabilitation is to resuscitate the debtor. Creditors   necessary   to   hold   a   meeting; Meeting;  Minutes  of  the  meeting. —   The  debtor   who,  possessing sufficient property to cover all his debts, be it an individual person,   be  it  a  sociedad   or  corporation,  foresees  the impossibility  of  meeting  them  when  they  respectively  fall due,  may  petition  that  he  be  declared  in  the  state  of suspension of payments by the court,  or the judge thereof in  vacation,  of  the  province  or  of  the  city  in  which  he  has resided  for  six  months  next  preceding  the  filing  of  his petition. Art. If on account of force majeure or circumstances beyond the employer’s control, payment of wages on or within the time herein provided cannot be made, the employer shall pay the wages immediately after such force majeure or circumstances have ceased. 7166- An Act Providing For Synchronized National And Local Elections And For Electoral Reforms, Authorizing Appropriations Therefor, And for Other Purposes. —  Only  creditors included in the schedule filed by the debtor shall be cited to appear  and  take  part  in  the  meeting  mentioned  in  section three,   and   they   shall   be   notified   upon   delivery   or transmission  to  them  of  a  copy  of  the  order  calling  the meeting  to  appear  at  same  with  the  written  evidences  of their  respective  claims,  without  which  they  shall  not  be admitted. Such persons shall not be  bound  by  any  agreement  determined  upon  at  such meeting, but if they should join in the voting they shall be bound  in  the  same  manner  as  are  the  other  creditors. 11496, otherwise known as the “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act”, authorizes the President to exercise powers necessary to carry out the declared national policy and adopt certain measures, among others, to move the statutory deadlines for the payment of taxes, … SECTION  10. No disposition in any manner of his property may be made by  the  petitioner  except  insofar  as  concerns  the  ordinary operations  of  commerce  or  of  industry  in  which  he  is engaged 2. The meeting shall be  held  on  the  day  and  at  the  hour  and  place  designated, the  judge,  or  commissioner  deputized  by  him  when  he  is absent from the province where the meeting is held, acting as  president  and  the  clerk  as  secretary  thereof,  subject  to the following rules:   (a)    The clerk shall prepare for insertion in the minutes of the  meeting  a  statement  of  the  persons  present  and  their claims; the judge, or, in default thereof, the commissioner, shall  examine  the  written  evidences  of  the  claims  and  the powers of attorney, if any. Share. For further inquiries, you may seek legal assistance by e-mailing us business closure, cessation of operation, retrenchment (reduction of costs) to prevent losses, etc. 3), Jurisdiction and Nature of Proceedings in Financial Liquidation and Suspension of Payments, Expanded Coverage of Special Commercial Courts: Insolvency and Liquidation under the FRIA, Other Liquidation Cases (A.M. NO. It should be noted that employees who voluntarily resign from work are not entitled to separation pay. In cases of termination for just causes, the employee is entitled to payment of indemnity or nominal damages in a sum of not more than 30,000 pesos (Agabon vs. NLRC, 442 SCRA 573); in case of termination for authorized causes, 50,000 pesos (Jaka … Hortencio owned a modest grocery business in Laguna. The purpose of a suspension of payments is to suspend or delay  the  payment  of  debts  the  amount  of  which  isn’t affected although a postponement is declared 2. Pending  Execution. That  two-thirds  of  the  creditors  voting  unite  upon  the same position. Republic Act No. Meeting  of  Creditors;  Injunction. Filing of petition by the debtor 2. Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III has disapproved the proposal to temporarily suspend the country’s debt payments to boost COVID-19 response funds. No. Jurisdiction over liquidation, suspension of payments and corporate rehabilitation remains with the regular courts. however, the basis for suspension is later proven to be unfounded or invalid, the said employee is entitled to his salary during the whole period of his suspension. 1. One question raised is if the suspended employee will still receive his/her salary during the suspension. The liquidation of insolvent debtors, as opposed to individual debtors, may be voluntary or involuntary. 15-04-06-SC). Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, March 17) – Some firms that provide internet, wireless communications services, water, electricity and loans have adjusted their payment … Persons  appearing  for  more  than  one  creditor  shall  have only  one  personal  vote,  but  the  claims  presented  by  them shall be taken into consideration for the purpose of arriving at      the      majority      of      the      amount      represented. Termination    of    proceedings    without recourse; Court hearing. SECTION  5. —  The  proposed agreement  shall  be  deemed  rejected  if  the  number  of creditors  required  for  holding  a  meeting  do  not  attend thereat,  or  if  the  two  majorities  mentioned  in  rule  (e)  of section eight are  not in favor thereof, even if the negative vote     itself     does      not     receive     such     majorities. he remained afloat only because of the properties inherited from incurred huge financial liabilities. No creditor and the other  than  those  mentioned  in  section  nine  shall  sue  or institute  proceedings  to  collect  his  claim  from  the  debtor from  the  moment  that  suspension  of  payments  is  applied for      and      while      the      proceedings      are      pending. Rejection  of  agreement. Because of the economic downturn, he incurred huge financial liabilities. SECTION   2. 902-A, reorganizing the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Failure of debtor to perform agreement. The available remedy for corporations and other juridical debtors is financial rehabilitation, discussed below. (d)    The vote shall be taken by a call of names and shall be inserted  in  and  the  minutes;  a  majority  vote  shall  rule. 15-04-06-SC); Viva Shipping Lines vs. Keppel Philippines Mining, G.R. However, when it is determined that there is no sufficient basis to justify an employee’s preventive suspension, the latter is entitled to the payment of salaries during the time of preventive suspension … —  The  presence  of  the creditors  representing  at  least  three-fifths  the  liabilities shall be necessary for holding a meeting. The Insolvency Law was expressly repealed by Republic Act No. Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources. Thank you. In this regard, how do you compute an employee’s pay on a suspended work day due to a typhoon and other similar calamities? —  Upon receiving  and  filing  the  petition  with  the  schedule  and documents  mentioned  in  the  next  preceding  section,  the court, or the judge thereof in vacation, shall make an order calling a meeting of creditors to take place in not less than two weeks nor more than eight weeks from the date of such order. No. 46-A, No Duplication of SBWS, CAMP and SAP: 5 Things You Need to Know for the Second Tranche, Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. Revilla appeals for suspension of mortgage payments in wake of virus pandemic MANILA, Philippines — Senator Ramon Revilla Jr. on Friday called on the government’s financial managers to look into the possibility of suspending mortgage payments and other fees amid the threat of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Implementing rules of the Philippines coronavirus response law mandated a 30-day moratorium for loan payments with due dates that fall within the enhanced community quarantine period. In 2000, the jurisdiction of SEC over corporate rehabilitation proceedings was transferred to regular courts, as provided in the Securities Regulation Code. Publication  order;  Deposit. Publication of the order and service of summons 4. SECTION  6. The proposed agreements he requests of his creditors, 1. 177382, 17 February 2016. 34-2020 suspends BIR audit and investigation starting March 16, 2020, until the lifting of the state of emergency and … Philippine laws only grant separation pay to those who were dismissed from service not due to their own fault or negligence but for reasons that are beyond their control, i.e. SECTION 13. The suspension ordered by virtue of  this  section  shall  lapse  when  three  months  shall  have passed without the proposed agreement being accepted by the creditors or as soon as it is denied. 12-12-11-SC) and the Financial Liquidation and Suspension of Payments Rules of Procedure for Insolvent Debtors or the “FLSP Rules” (A.M. No. Voluntary liquidation proceedings are initiated by the debtor itself, while involuntary insolvency proceedings are initiate by three or more creditors. There are three distinct remedies available to insolvent debtors/creditors under the FRIA and the pertinent procedures, all of which are under the jurisdiction of special commercial courts. 7010, Community Quarantine Classifications Starting 16 June 2020: IAT Resolution No. Creditors  cited  to  appear. (Gatbonton vs. NLRC). For this purpose, the State shall ensure a timely, fair, transparent, effective and efficient rehabilitation or liquidation of debtors. Please report dead links or any error so we may make the necessary corrections. 2. Failure to pay within 15 days. Free legal advice visit BATASnatin YouTube for more details! 2. 11525), One-Year Prescriptive Period for Online Libel: House Bill No. In  such  case  the  debtor may  be  made  subject  to  the  bankruptcy  and  insolvency proceedings  in  the  manner  established  by  the  following chapters of this Act. 14-2021 (Full Text), ECQ Bubble for NCR, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna and Rizal: Resolution No. All crimes as defense lawyer or private prosecutor. The FRIA states that it is the policy of the State to encourage debtors, both juridical and natural persons, and their creditors to collectively and realistically resolve and adjust competing claims and property rights. And lastly, with regard to salary during the period of the suspension, an employee placed under preventive suspension is not entitled to the payment of wages. BATASnatin LIVE! he remained afloat only because of the properties inherited from [Back to the top] 15-04-06-SC RSS Entries and RSS Comments, Pamaos & Labao Law Firm (P&L Law) is a full-service professional legal firm, located in Metro Manila, Philippines | Telephone: (+632) 7799-0589 | Email: | Website: — Persons  having  claims  for  personal  labor,  maintenance, expenses  of last illness and funeral  of the  wife or children of  the  debtor,  incurred  in  the  sixty  days  immediately preceding  the  filing  of  the  petition,  and  persons  having legal or contractual mortgages, may refrain from attending the meeting and from voting therein. SECTION 7. 103. Introduction to Insolvency in the Philippines: Suspension of Payments, Financial Rehabilitation and Liquidation, Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act of 2010 (FRIA), Financial Liquidation and Suspension of Payments Rules of Procedure for Insolvent Debtors, Out-of-court or Informal Agreement or Rehabilitation Plan, Cross-Border Rehabilitation and Insolvency: Actions of Foreign Creditors and Enforcement Framework of Foreign Proceedings in the Philippines, Extension of Filing Periods and Suspension of Hearings for March 29 to April 4, 2021: SC Administrative Circular No. For individual debtors, liquidation proceedings may be filed when liabilities exceed assets, and the total debts exceed P500,000. The basis is the probability of the debtor’s inability to meet his obligation  when they respectively fall due,  despite the fact that he has sufficient assets to cover all his liabilities, 1. Nicolas & De Vega Law Offices is a full service law firm in the Philippines. 12-12-11-SC and 15-04-06-SC No payments may be made by the petitioner except in the ordinary course of business or industry 3. Upon request to the  court,  all  pending executions  against the  debtor  shall  be  suspended  except  execution  against property especially mortgaged,      Only creditors included in the schedules filed by the debtor shall be cited to appear and to take part in the meeting      Hence  those  who  didn’t  appear  because  they  were  not informed of the proceedings are unaffected by the same, 1. Of debtors meeting them when they respectively fall due 3 and 15-04-06-sc for the period wherein employee! Guidelines on the Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Electoral System and for Other Purposes, Republic No... And Rizal: Resolution No ( e ) to prevent losses, etc... Non-payment Underpayment... Majority vote amount to at least 3/5 of the creditors voting unite upon same. 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